Chapter 257 Rates

Chapter 257 of the Acts of 2008 reformed the way the Commonwealth pays for essential social services for its most vulnerable residents. The law established a more transparent, uniform, and evidence-based process for the establishment of rates “which are reasonable and adequate to meet the costs which are incurred by efficiently and economically operated social service program providers.” The Secretary of Health and Human Services has the sole responsibility for establishing rates of reimbursement after receiving public hearing testimony for each proposed rate.

Chapter 257 of the Acts of 2008 requires EOHHS to biennially update rates for social services programs. ABH regularly submits testimony on Chapter 257 rates impacting our membership. On this page you can find the proposed rates, models, public hearing notices, and ABH's testimony.


Stay tuned for updates on Chapter 257 Rates being published in early 2020. 



MassHealth Managed Care Minimum Fees (Appendix T)



MassHealth Fee for Service Rates