Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents

Click here to access the Division of Insurance (DOI) webpage on Behavioral Health Services for Children and Adolescents (BHCA). 

Updated BHCA Carrier Provider Lists

Please find below linked carrier provider lists for behavioral health services for children and adolescents. These are up-to-date as of March 13, 2023: 

The Insurance Resource Center for Autism and Behavioral Health (formerly the Autism Insurance Resource Center) Presentation and Fact Sheets

The Insurance Resource Center for Autism and Behavioral Health (formerly the Autism Insurance Resource Center) presented a webinar on September 15, 2021 providing an overview of new resources related to Behavioral Health Insurance Coverage for Children and Adolescents (BHCA).  The presentation provides an overview of:

  • Center Resources
  • Support for Families
  • Support for Behavioral Health Providers
  • Common Questions/Issues
  • Q&A (with participation from MBHP)

A copy of the presentation can be found here. Additionally, the Insurance Resource Center for Autism and Behavioral Health has published the following Fact Sheets on BHCA and BHCA Related Services:   

Updates for Family Support & Training and Therapeutic Mentoring Services

Important Update: MassHealth Guidance to Providers and Carriers Regarding Transition to Commercial Coverage of Intermediate Services for Youth 

In order to facilitate a smooth transition to commercial coverage for Therapeutic Mentor and Family Partner services for youth MassHealth members with third party insurance (TPL) and to promote continuity of care, EOHHS is extending the transition period end date from 12/31/20 to 6/30/2021

Effective July 1, 2021, all MBHP contracted Family Support and Training (FS&T) and Therapeutic Mentor (TM) providers will be required to provide a primary insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for TPL members when submitting claims to MBHP.

The guidance can be viewed here.

Family Partner and Therapeutic Mentoring Services Go Live January 1, 2021

As of January 1, 2021, family support and training and therapeutic mentoring will be covered by fully-insured Massachusetts plans. Prior to this, families with commercial insurance either went without these services or used “secondary MassHealth” to obtain the services.

Community Health Worker Certification

As you may know, the original start date for these two services was set later than other Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents (BHCA) benefits in order for certification standards to be established. The Department of Mental Health was charged with identifying the certification standards and process that best fits the knowledge and skills needed by Family Partners and Therapeutic Mentors. DMH determined that to be the Community Health Worker (CHW) certification.

DMH partnered with DPH’s Bureau of Health Professions Licensure to record a webinar that explains the CHW certification requirements and process. DMH also created “cross-walk” documents (attached) to help family partners, therapeutic mentors, their supervisors and program managers understand how their work is reflected in those standards. Links to those materials can be found below

As a reminder, the “work hours only” certification pathway is the only one currently available and is due to expire on June 30, 2021. Family partners and therapeutic mentors who have at least 4,000 hours of relevant work experience can pursue this pathway. 

Plan Webinars and Documentation of Family Support & Training and Therapeutic Mentoring
DOI has instructed commercial plans to hold webinars for behavioral health providers on these services prior to implementation. Please find the plan webinars and documentation below. Please note, we will be updating this section as webinars take place. You should always check with the plan for the most up-to-date materials and information.

Behavioral Health Provider Refresher: Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents Webinar (Up-to-date as of November 2020)

Beacon Health Options
Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents (BHCA) - Phase 2 Webinar (Up-to-date as of October 2020)
Family Partner - Commercial Program Specification (Up-to-date as of October 2020)
Therapeutic Mentoring - Commercial Program Specification (Up-to-date as of October 2020)
Family Partner Service Definition (Up-to-date as of October 2020)
Therapeutic Mentor Service Definition (Up-to-date as of October 2020)

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescent Services DOI Webinar (Up-to-date as of November 2020) 

Therapeutic Mentoring & Family Support and Training Webinar Recording (Up-to-date as of November 2020)

Behavioral Health Services for Children and Adolescents (BHCA) Webinar Slides (Up-to-date as of November 2020) 

Related Resources

CHW Certification Webinar

TM Crosswalk and Application Instructions

FP Crosswalk and Application Instructions

COVID-19 Updates for Providers

Behavioral Health Section of Public Provider Website

Resource Center

Guides and Resources

Therapeutic Mentoring & Family Support and Training FAQ

Effective September 1, 2020, all MBHP contracted CBHI providers are required to provide a primary insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for TPL members when submitting claims to MBHP. EOHHS has amended Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the linked guidance document to reflect this extension: AMENDED: MassHealth Guidance to Providers and Carriers Regarding Transition to Commercial Coverage of Intermediate Services for Youth

On August 13, 2020, MBHP held an additional webinar for ICC, IHT, and IHBS providers targetd to CBHI program directos, and billing staff on how to receive reimbursement after 9/1/20 for youth with Third-Party Liability. 

The webinar recording can be found here

The webinar slides can be found here

You can also access the recording and slides on MBHP's website here:

On December 14, 2018, the Massachusetts Division of Insurance and Department of Mental Health issued a joint bulletin to clarify certain mandated benefits for child-adolescent services.

As of July 1, 2019, the following intermediate care and outpatient services are covered by fully-insured Massachusetts plans: In-home behavioral services, behavior management monitoring, behavior management therapy, family support and training, in-home therapy, therapeutic clinical intervention, ongoing therapeutic training and support, therapeutic mentoring, mobile crisis intervention, intensive care coordination, community-based acute treatment for children and adolescents (CBAT), and intensive community-based acute treatment for children and adolescents (ICBAT).  Prior to this bulleting, families with commercial insurance either went without these services or used “secondary MassHealth” to obtain the services.

Important Update: Anticipating a large number of renewals on 1/1/2020, and in order to facilitate a smooth transition to commercial coverage for youth MassHealth members with third party insurance (TPL) and to promote continuity of care for those youth and their families, EOHHS is extending the transition period end date from 3/31/2020 to 6/30/2020. Effective July 1, 2020, all MBHP contracted CBHI providers will be required to provide a primary insurance explanation of benefits (EOB) for MassHealth members with TPL. 

Please refer to the following guidance for further detail and expectations of activities to ensure continuity of care during the transition period and beyond: MH Guidance Regarding Coverage of Intermediate Services (3.10.2020)

Coordination of Benefits for Children and Adolescents with MassHealth Secondary 

MassHealth regulations and administrative guidance require providers to make "diligent efforts" to identify and obtain payment from all other liable parties. 

Diligent efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Determining the existence of health insurance by asking the member if he or she has other insurance and by using other insurance eligibility verification resources available to the provider, and 
  • Verifying the member's other health insurance coverage, currently known to MassHealth through its Eligibility Verification System (EVS), on each date of service and at the time of billing

Please see MassHealth Administrative and Billing Regulations (130 CMR 450.316 through 450.318) for more information. 

For children and youth for whom MassHealth is the secondary insurers (often called members with Third-Party Liability), the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership serves as the entity responsible for covering eligible charges not covered by the primary insurer. These charges include child/family liability such as co-pays, coinsurance, and deductibles, and under certain circumstances, claims denied by the primary insurer. 

Related Resources

DOI: Information for Consumers about Access to BHCA Services

Carrier Contacts for Providers Related to Contracting for Services for BHCA (2.3.2020)

Masachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership Resources on Reimbursement for Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents (BHCA) Services for Members with Third-Party Liability 

Plan Specific Resources



Beacon Health Options

  • BMC HealthNet
  • Fallon Health
  • Health New England

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

BCBSMA Plans BHCA Crosswalk (2.18.2021)


Cigna Plans BHCA Crosswalk (2.4.2020)


  • AllWays Health Partners
  • ConectiCare
  • Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
  • United Health Care


Tufts Health Plan and Tufts Health Direct


Carrier BHCA Services Crosswalks

Information in the following pages is current as of the dates listed below. Download the newest document versions here if you have not already. These are intended as supplemental resources only. Please check with your plan for the most up to date information and additional details. Additionally, please check back for updated cost-sharing information as it becomes available. 

Additional Information 


1. When does this bulletin go into effect?
The bulletin phases in the coverage implementation. Most services will be required benefits for certain commercial carrier plans that are issued or renewed on of after July 1, 2019, and two services must be covered by plans issued or renewed on or after July 1, 2020.

1a. Services Covered by Plans Issued or Renewed On or After July 1, 2019
Certain commercial carrier plans issued or renewed on or after July 1, 2019 will be required to offer coverage for:

  1. In-home behavioral services,
  2. In-home therapy,
  3. Mobile crisis intervention, 
  4. Intensive care coordination, 
  5. Community-based acute treatment for children and adolescents (CBAT), and
  6. Intensive community-based treatment for children and adolescents (ICBAT).

The Bulletin’s language states that health coverage “becoming effective on or after July 1, 2019” must include these benefits. This means that coverage does not become effective for all plans on July 1, 2019. For example, if a company’s insurance plan does not renew until January 1, 2020, the insurance company is not required to cover these services until the policy renews on January 1st.

1b. Services Covered by Plans Issued or Renewed On or After July 1, 2020
Certain commercial carrier plans issued or renewed on and after July 1, 2020 will be required to cover:

  1. Family Support and Training; and,
  2. Therapeutic Mentoring.

Children and families who need to access these services can continue to access them through MassHealth as Secondary (where eligible) until their commercial plan renewal date or a new plan is issued on or after July 1, 2020.

2. When do Health Plans Renew?
Most individuals renew their coverage each year on January 1st, but newly eligible persons (i.e. those who move to MA) might enroll any time during the year.

Employers renew their employees’ insured health plans at different times throughout the year, usually at the beginning of calendar quarters. January and April tend to be the biggest renewal months. If coverage does not renew until April 1, 2020, BHCA does apply for that coverage until April 1, 2020.

3. Which Commercial Health Plans Must Follow This Bulletin?
This Bulletin applies only to commercial health plans for fully-insured health plans including private insurers, employees and retirees under the state plan, hospital service plans and HMOs, which are regulated by the Massachusetts Division of Insurance. See the list of commercial health plans required to follow this Bulletin here: 

Self-insured plans that are offered through ERISA are federally regulated and therefore not subject to this Bulletin. Families on self-insured plans can continue to access these services through MassHealth as Secondary, where eligible.

4. What about these services will be different from MassHealth Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative?
This bulletin requires insured health plans’ benefits to provide coverage for Behavioral Health for Children and Adolescents (BHCA), which are equivalent, but not identical, to MassHealth Program CBHI Services. The Bulletin 2018-07 uses the same definitions as used by MassHealth, but cannot mandate commercial carriers adopt the same medical necessity criteria, performance specifications, credentialing criteria, or rate floors.

5. What happens to children who are accessing CBHI services through MassHealth Secondary?
For children and families accessing these services through MassHealth as a secondary insurance, it is recommended that agencies work with those families to identify their commercial plan renewal date. Until the plan renewal date or a new plan is issued, those families will continue to receive services through MassHealth Secondary. To ensure continuity of care and limit service disruption, MassHealth has issued Guidance to Providers and Carriers Regarding Transition to Commercial Coverage of Intermediate Services for Youth.

6. Will Primary Insurance Cost Sharing Apply?
Per MassHealth Guidance, "if a member cost share applies to services covered by and billed to the primary insurance carrier under the provider's contract with the insurance carrier, only then should the provider request authorization from MBHP to cover the member cost share under the MassHealth supplemental benefit. MBHP will pay providers for the cost share segment, provided the intermediate services rendered meet MBHP coverage criteria and an EOB is provided."

7. Where do Health Plans post the most up-to-date information?
The resources listed on our site are intended as supplemental resources only. Please refer to commercial carriers websites and source documentation for additional details.